Wednesday, January 21, 2009

亀梨♥ Kamenashi♥

my hair still smells like smoke even though i washed it twice..
damn yakiniku.... sigh..

Kamenashi's new drama is .. just... DIE! (to put it in Rachel Zoe's words)
he wears suits allll the time.. complete with waistcoats underneath..
and you know how i feel about guys in suits...
now imagine kame in suits..
oh wait, why imagine when you can see for yourself? lol

Kamenashi + wine = my dream! lol


Sasha said...

Ouu, shorter-hair Kame. I like. What's the drama about, anyway? He doesn't play bartender, does he? :P

Kebetulan, gw baru mulai nonton Tatta Hitotsu... tadi malem.

KazuoWorld said...

I like the shit he is wearing on the second photo.
I'll wear it better than him though.

K. said...

no this time he plays as a wine sommelier..
so hot you must watch this one! lol
Hitokoi is nice too.. i always

shush okay,, let kame have his moments in my heart! lol