Thursday, September 18, 2008

bitch bitch bitch

girl A: I am a bitch! I know who I am
girl B: so can i call you a bitch?
girl A: no you cannot call me a bitch!!

ah the ever so amusing ANTM,,,


Adeline said...

what's ANTM?
btw, have you ever been to this site:
it's pretty amusing, especially for someone who's into fashion like you and your sis..

K. said...

ANTM = america's nex top model.
the umh so called search for supermodel show by Tyra Banks, it's amusing cause they're all so... dumb..*sigh*
they do take good photos though.. well at least some do.. :D

ooh me lovey gofugyourself..
slalu menyenangkan untuk teman masa2 bosan saya..hihihi